Believe It or Not
Home Page Dedication Lutsk, Ukraine Believe It or Not
Barg/Bark/Barke Family Adler Family Steinberg Family
Lubman Family Berman Family Butcher/Booker Family
Nussbaum Family Bloom/Blum Family Cohen Family
This page is for interesting facts for all. If you have an interesting fact please E-Mail the Author.
The City of Lutsk (where the Bărg Family emigrated from). All of the remaining Jews of Lutsk were murdered on 10 Elul, 5702, (1942)(See the Yiskor Book entry under the Bark Family). Marvin Lee Bark, son of the youngest brother Boruch, died 55 years later on 10 Elul, 5757, (1997).
Why do some Bark's spell their name with an "E" on the end? When you look at the tombstones of the original four brothers, non have the "E". But some of their children do. Does anyone have an answer. Answer: Allen Barke said that his father, Dan Barke was the first to use the "E" on his name when graduating from Pharmacy School about 1932 0r 1933. I do know that a phone directory for Baltimore dated around 1925, listed several of the Bark"E" brothers with an "E". Most of them dropped the "E" later and some kept it. Boruch Bark spelled the name with an "E" for several years, then dropped it. Again, check out the older phone books from the Maryland Historical Society. Another interesting fact is that Sarah Bark, wife of Gershon Bark, was listed as having an "E" on her last name at the time of her furneral. Her funeral record was found at Sol Levenson, & Sons Furneral Home Baltimore MD. with an "E". Just another mystery that keeps on going!
Was Bernie Scherr correct when he said that the main occupation of the Bark's in Europe was "HORSETHIEF"?
Did you know that Borach (Benjamin/Barney) Bark met his wife Ida (Kosnesky) by throwing a hammer at her, so as to intimidate her into slowing down her production at a pocketbook factory! And the rest is history!
Did you know that Boruch (Barney) Bark tried to get his nephew Dan Barke to marry another woman? According to a decendant of Dan Barke, before Dan and Dorothy (Sindler) eloped, Barney asked Dan to go with him to New York and see a nice girl and that Dan should marry her. To get Barney off his back, Dan agreed to go to New York and meet this woman. On the train ride back to Baltimore, Barney asked Dan if he would marry this woman, and Dan replyed " I'll marry her if you sleep with her!" This was the last time that Barney tried fix his nephew Dan up, or actually any other family member, or maybe my Grandfather gave up on being a matchmaker! After all, he met his wife with a hammer!!!!!!!!!
The towns of Horochow, Horchiv, Gorochow, Gorokhov are actually the same town. Coordinates of 50 deg. 30 min. North - 24 deg. 46 min East. This town is 23 miles from Luck or Lutsk which is located at 50 deg. 45 min. North - 25 deg. 20 min. East. Horochow is the town that most of our ancestors were born and/or lived in.
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