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I would like to Dedicate The Kasnett Family Web Pages to the memory of my Grandmother Ida (Kosnesky) Bark who passed away March, 1998 at the age of 94.
The KASNETT HISTORY page has the written contents of the original Kasnett history that was published in the early 1991. Please click on the links to visit.
To view the Family Trees you will need a PDF Reader such as Adobe Acrobat. Please download a free copy of the Acrobat Reader from the Adobe Website
Above is a link to the Family Trees. You may look at the Borishansky Family Tree.
Editors Note: This list of names was compiled by Jim Bennett of Tel Aviv, Israel. We are trying to figure out how the Kasnett Ancestors are related to this family. All of this data was researched and compiled by Jim Bennett of Haifa, whose wife Myrna is a Borishanski descendant. Jim can be contacted at: Bennett@coral.co.il
Benjamin Kosnetsky (Kasnett) maternal Grandfather was Elchanan Borishansky. We are in the process of trying to link our two families together.
If you need to make any additions to the KASNETT LIST or correct any entries, please E-MAIL the author by clicking below. Please be patient, I maybe delayed in updating the web pages.
Benjamin J. Bark
Copyright 2004 Benjamin J. Bark. All Rights Reserved. Electronic redistribution of any part of this website is permitted as long as no alterations are made to the text and this notice appears at the beginning. Print reproductions for profit or use of this information for profit is not authorized without permission from the author.